Thus, the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm for finding maximum matchings in bipartite graphs may also be used to solve the vertex cover problem efficiently in these graphs. The constructive proof described above provides an algorithm for producing a minimum vertex cover given a maximum matching. In any bipartite graph, the largest size of a matching equals the smallest size of a vertex cover. Therefore the above theorem implies: : 270 This follows from the fact that in the fractional matching polytope of a bipartite graph, all extreme points have only integer coordinates, and the same is true for the fractional vertex-cover polytope. The clue is that positioning information and. What makes bipartite graphs special is that, in bipartite graphs, both these linear programs have optimal solutions in which all variable values are integers. A Mathematica package that allows inclusion of LATEX labels in EPS graphics using PSfrag will be presented. In any graph, the largest size of a fractional matching equals the smallest size of a fractional vertex cover. This fact is true not only in bipartite graphs but in arbitrary graphs: Therefore, by the LP duality theorem, both programs have the same solution. Now, the minimum fractional cover LP is exactly the dual linear program of the maximum fractional matching LP. Here, the first line is the size of the cover, the second line represents the non-negativity of the weights, and the third line represents the requirement that the sum of weights near each edge must be at least 1. Where y is a vector of size |V| in which each element represents the weight of a vertex in the fractional cover. Minimum cut ( S, T ) is the solution of the following LP: Kőnig's theorem states that the equality between the sizes of the matching and the cover (in this example, both numbers are six) applies more generally to any bipartite graph. Similarly, there can be no larger matching, because any matched edge has to include at least one endpoint in the vertex cover, so this is a maximum matching. There can be no smaller vertex cover, because any vertex cover has to include at least one endpoint of each matched edge (as well as of every other edge), so this is a minimum vertex cover. The bipartite graph shown in the above illustration has 14 vertices a matching with six edges is shown in blue, and a vertex cover with six vertices is shown in red. In any bipartite graph, the number of edges in a maximum matching equals the number of vertices in a minimum vertex cover. Kőnig's theorem states that, in any bipartite graph, the minimum vertex cover set and the maximum matching set have in fact the same size. In particular, the minimum vertex cover set is at least as large as the maximum matching set.

It is obvious from the definition that any vertex-cover set must be at least as large as any matching set (since for every edge in the matching, at least one vertex is needed in the cover). A matching in a graph is a set of edges no two of which share an endpoint, and a matching is maximum if no other matching has more edges. 9.1 Egerváry's theorem for edge-weighted graphsĪ vertex cover in a graph is a set of vertices that includes at least one endpoint of every edge, and a vertex cover is minimum if no other vertex cover has fewer vertices.3.3 Proof using linear programming duality.3.2 Constructive proof without flow concepts.Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. "PlotLabel." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research (1988), PlotLabel, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2007). Cite this as: Wolfram Research (1988), PlotLabel, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2007).